University of Washington performance for science chairs and faculty; Seattle, 2006.
Northeastern University, Boston; performance for chairs and faculty. Introduction of event. January, 2009.
Northeastern University, Boston; performance for chairs and faculty. Introduction of event. January, 2009.
Northeastern University, Boston; performance for chairs and faculty. Introduction of event. January, 2009.
Northeastern University, Boston; performance for chairs and faculty. Jeffrey Allen Steiger - introduction of event. January, 2009.
Northeastern University, Boston; performance for chairs and faculty. The character, 'Marlene', making a case for a candidate at a search meeting. 'Marc' rolls his eyes. January, 2009.
Northeastern University, Boston; performance for chairs and faculty. 'Marlene' and 'Frank' disagree on the merits of the candidates in a search meeting. The chair, 'Terrence', deciding whether to intervene. January, 2009.
Northeastern University, Boston; performance for chairs and faculty. An audience member steps on to the stage for a real time conversation with a character ('Marlene') from the play. January, 2009.
Northeastern University, Boston; performance for chairs and faculty. Facilitating (Jeffrey Allen Steiger) an interactive with characters from the audience. January, 2009.
Northeastern University, Boston; performance for chairs and faculty. A faculty member in the audience asks a question of a character on the stage. January, 2009.
Northeastern University, Boston; performance for chairs and faculty. The audience reacts to a comment from one of the characters in the play. January, 2009.
Northeastern University, Boston; performance for chairs and faculty. A faculty member in the audience asking a questions of a character on the stage. January, 2009.
Northeastern University, Boston; performance for chairs and faculty. January, 2009.